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  • Labor, Discrimination, and Algorithmic Bias
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bodog online casino

Relying heavily on our expert’s testimony, the judge found in favor of the University of North Carolina in this case, upholding the use of race in undergraduate admissions.


No-Poach Clauses in QSR Litigation

Class certification was denied in two seminal franchise no-poach litigation matters involving McDonald’s and Jimmy John’s.


Breach of Contract in the Video Game Industry

Counsel retained Cornerstone Research to estimate lost profits in this breach of contract case.


Heldt et al. v. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

The jury rendered a unanimous verdict in favor of our client in this alleged discrimination class action.


Morgan et al. v. U.S. Soccer Federation Inc.

The judge ruled in favor of the defendant’s motion for summary judgment on all equal pay claims in this Title VII case.


Allegations of “No-Poach” Hiring Agreement Between Tech Firms

Cornerstone Research was retained to assess the effect of an alleged recruiting and hiring conspiracy between two competitors.


Pro Bono: Brown et al. v. Madison County, Mississippi

The groundbreaking consent bodog online casino decree approved by the USDC for the Southern District of Mississippi mandates new policies to address racial profiling by the county’s Sheriff’s Department.


Class Certification Analysis in Employment Discrimination Litigation

The judge denied class certification in this case against a large retailer.


Lowballing Bids

Cornerstone Research was asked to analyze bids by a contractor to determine if they were too low to compensate the contractor’s employees as required under the California Labor Code.


Piece-Rate Versus Hourly Compensation

The plaintiffs alleged that the compensation structure was actually an hourly compensation structure and that the employer used the piece-rate structure to avoid paying overtime.


Department of Justice Litigation

Cornerstone Research worked with an executive compensation expert for the defendant in a matter brought by the DOJ against a company executive.


Age Discrimination

Cornerstone Research was retained by defense counsel to provide consulting services in a large multi-defendant age discrimination matter.

How can we help you?

If you are looking for additional case experience examples, contact us.