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  • Corporate Transaction Litigation
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Counsel for Goldman Sachs retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Paul Gompers of the Harvard Business School to value Dragon Systems at the time it was acquired by Lernout & Hauspie.


Theft of Trade Secrets regarding Internet Advertising

After acquisition discussions broke down between an Internet advertising affiliate network and the potential target, a web-advertising software company, the latter filed a complaint alleging that the defendants misappropriated information…


ASARCO LLC et al. v. Americas Mining Corporation

Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Craig Pirrong of the University of Houston to evaluate ASARCO’s allegation that it had not received a reasonably equivalent value for its interest…


CSX v. TCI et al.

Counsel for CSX Corporation retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Marti Subrahmanyam of New York University to analyze The Children’s Investment Fund’s (TCI’s) effective ownership in CSX at different points in…


Air Communications & Satellite, Inc. v. EchoStar Satellite Corp.

In 2007, Echostar Communications Corp. (the Parent) decided to spin off some of its satellite assets to Echostar bodog casino review Corp. and change its name to DISH Network Corp (DISH).


David Goldkrantz v. Merv Griffin et al.

Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research and Professor William Silber of New York University after shareholders sued Griffin Gaming & Entertainment (GGE) over its merger with Sun International Hotels Limited (Sun).


Path-Dependent Derivatives

In a case involving derivative contracts issued by a firm in an acquisition, attorneys retained Cornerstone Research and Professor William Silber of New York University.


“Fair Value” Appraisal of Minority Shares Held by Hedge Fund

Cornerstone Research was retained by counsel representing hedge fund minority shareholders of an electronic brokerage company.


Analysis of Material Adverse Change

Counsel for the independent directors of a target company’s board retained Cornerstone Research and Glenn Yago of the Milken Institute in connection with a notification by an acquirer that it…


High-Profile Merger in Media and Entertainment Industry

In a high-profile case, Cornerstone Research and two of its affiliated experts were retained to evaluate a fairness opinion relied upon by the board of a media and entertainment company.


Large Technology Merger

The target company’s shareholders sued to stop one of the largest acquisitions in the technology sector of the late 2000s.


Privatization of a Mexican Bank

Minority public shareholders of a Mexican bank sued a Canadian bank that bought them out at an allegedly low price.

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