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  • Bankruptcy and Financial Distress
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Cornerstone Research analyzed the relative value of several classes of high yield bonds issued by an emerging market company that subsequently failed.


Reliance on Audited Financial Statements

Cornerstone Research and Professor Christopher James of the University of Florida were retained to assist KPMG in a dispute with a syndicate of banks over a secured line of credit…


Bennett Funding Group Bankruptcy Cases

Cornerstone Research worked with William Silber of New York University on behalf of the Bennett bankruptcy estate to assess the value of a warrant of a small publicly traded company.


Bullmore v. Ernst & Young

Counsel for Ernst & Young Cayman Islands retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Steven Grenadier of Stanford University bodog app download in a New York Supreme Court case related to the failure of Beacon…


Hedge Fund Management Firm Valuation

In a dispute arising over a hedge fund failure, Cornerstone Research was asked to value the firm that managed the fund and to assess how the firm’s value was affected…


ACC/Lincoln Savings Securities Litigation

In a suit brought by security holders against the officers and professional advisors of a bankrupt Arizona thrift holding company, we were retained by counsel for certain of the professional…

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