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  • Financial Institutions
Showing 25 - 36 of 72

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Cornerstone Research worked with three experts in the first excessive fee case to proceed to trial since the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 decision in Jones v. Harris.


Securities Class Action Regarding Mutual Fund Performance

Cornerstone Research worked with a finance expert to analyze investments in mortgage-backed securities during the financial crisis.


European Commission Enquiry of Credit Default Swaps Market

The Commission dropped its investigation into allegations that 13 large investment banks had prevented exchanges from entering the European CDS market.


Valuation of Illiquid Municipal Bonds

For an internal investigation, Cornerstone Research assessed bond holding valuations and calculated the impact on mutual fund shareholders.


City of Pontiac Policemen’s and Firemen’s Retirement System et al. v. UBS AG et al.

The Second Circuit upheld the Southern District of New York’s decision on all counts in this UBS securities case, affirming the district court’s dismissal under Morrison v. National Australia Bank…


Hedge Fund Contract Dispute

bodog app download Counsel retained Professor Robert Whitelaw of New York University and Cornerstone Research to analyze hedge fund strategy.


IBEW Local 90 Pension Fund et al. v. Deutsche Bank AG et al.

The judge in this multibillion dollar securities class action granted our client’s Daubert motion and denied the opposing side’s motion for class certification.


Market Microstructure

Our work in this area has included numerous issues related to order handling, allegations of front running, rules involving price quoting, clearing and settlement, uncovered short sales, best execution, markups,…


Janet Baker et al. v. Goldman, Sachs & Co. et al.

Counsel for Goldman Sachs retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Paul Gompers of the Harvard Business School to value Dragon Systems at the time it was acquired by Lernout & Hauspie.


Collateralized Mortgage Obligations

Cornerstone Research was retained to investigate the valuation of a portfolio of collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) held by a failed hedge fund.


Dr. Ben S. Branch v. Ernst & Young, U.S., et al.

The Bank of New England Corporation (BNEC) went into bankruptcy after its lead subsidiary bank, BNENA, was closed by regulators in January 1991.


Mortgage-Backed Derivatives

In this mutual fund litigation, defense counsel for a fund’s auditor retained Cornerstone Research.

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