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  • Corporate and Government Investigations
Showing 37 - 41 of 41

bodog casino review

On behalf of Duke Energy, Cornerstone Research analyzed the expert testimony submitted by the California parties.


Average Wholesale Price Litigation

Cornerstone Research has worked with counsel for several pharmaceutical companies on state False Claims Act cases alleging that these companies caused state Medicaid agencies to overpay for prescription drugs by…


Cost Shifting

Cost shifting refers to the practice of increasing the price or markup charged to one group of patients in response to a decrease in another group’s price or markup.


SEC v. Biopure Corporation

In litigation brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) bodog casino review against Biopure Corporation (Biopure) and several current and former officers of the company involving its drug Hemopure, counsel for Biopure…


SEC/DOJ Investigation of FCPA Violations by a Fortune 500 Energy Firm

Cornerstone Research and an accounting expert assisted a large provider of energy-related products and services in SEC and DOJ investigations regarding a former subsidiary’s alleged violations of the Foreign Corrupt…

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