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Ravi Dhar

George Rogers Clark Professor of Management and Marketing,
Director, Center for Customer Insights,
Yale School of Management;
Professor of Psychology, Yale University

J. Richard Dietrich

Professor Emeritus of Accounting,
Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems,
The Ohio State University

John H. Dolan

Independent Consultant,
Second Order Strategies Inc.

Mark Duggan

Wayne and Jodi Cooperman Professor of Economics;
Trione Director,
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR);
Stanford University

Greg Eastman

Senior Vice President

Peter D. Easton

Notre Dame Alumni Professor of Accountancy,
bodog app download Academic Director, Center for Accounting Research and Education,
Mendoza College of Business,
University of Notre Dame

Robert H. Edelstein

Professor Emeritus,
Maurice Mann Chair in Real Estate,
Co-Chair, Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics,
Haas School of Business,
University of California, Berkeley

Andrea L. Eisfeldt

Laurence D. and Lori W. Fink Endowed Chair in Finance,
Professor of Finance,
UCLA Anderson School of Management,
University of California, Los Angeles

Alexander Elbittar

Full Research Professor,
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Mexico;
Academic Advisor, GAMES Economics

Kenneth G. Elzinga

Robert C. Taylor Professor of Economics,
University of Virginia;
bodog casino review Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

Merle Erickson

Professor of Accounting,
University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Emilie R. Feldman

Michael L. Tarnopol Professor and Professor of Management,
The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania

John P. Fiebig

President and Cofounder,
ADIGEO Consulting LLC;
Former Senior Deputy Director, Division of Registration and Inspections,
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)

David Gal

Professor of Marketing,
College of Business,
University of Illinois at Chicago

Mark J. Garmaise

Professor of Finance,
UCLA Anderson School of Management,
University of California, Los Angeles

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The individuals on our website represent a selection of the many leading experts with whom we work. Contact us if you have questions about additional experts or seek particular expertise.