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  • Telecommunications, Media, and Entertainment
María-Fernanda Viecens

Researcher, Center Technology and Society (CETyS),
Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina;
Former Commissioner,
Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia (CNDC), Argentina;
Academic Advisor, GAMES Economics

Joel Waldfogel

Frederick R. Kappel Chair in Applied Economics, Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship
Carlson School of Management,
University of Minnesota

Scott Wallsten

President and Senior Fellow,
Technology Policy Institute;
Senior Policy Scholar, bodog online casino Center for Business and Public Policy,
McDonough School of Business,
Georgetown University

Pinar Yildirim

Associate Professor of Marketing,
The Wharton School,
Associate Professor of Economics,
University of Pennsylvania;
Senior Fellow, Center for Technology, Innovation & Competition,
University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School

Gal Zauberman

Joseph F. Cullman 3rd Professor of Marketing,
Yale School of Management,
Yale University

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