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  • Technology, Digital Economy, and Artificial Intelligence
Showing 1 - 12 of 73

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A gathering of industry leaders, policymakers, and experts will explore the complex interplay of technology, economics, and competition.


Strengthening U.S.-Asia Tech Supply Chain Resilience

Kirti Gupta of Cornerstone Research will speak at this event that examines the fragility and future of global supply chains.


Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in Adtech and Consumers’ Perceived Privacy Violations

This article discusses how consumers’ perceived privacy violations are affected less by technical details of whether the data is shared and more by expectations on how it is used.


Standard Essential Patents: Global Regulation and Litigation

Kirti Gupta of Cornerstone Research moderated a CSIS and LeadershIP webinar on government scrutiny of standard essential patents (SEPs) and the current litigation landscape.


GCR Live: Law Leaders Europe 2024

Norbert Maier of Cornerstone Research will join a panel of antitrust attorneys at this annual competition law conference in Brussels.


Global Standards Leadership Conference 2024

Kirti Gupta of Cornerstone Research will moderate bodog online casino an expert panel at this LexisNexis conference focused on wireless technology, global standardization, and standard essential patents.


Balanced and Transparent Antitrust in the AI Space

The authors examine the role of European Union (EU) competition policy and adjacent EU regulations in the emerging artificial intelligence space.


Persuade or Not to Persuade: Advertising in the Digital Age

Ceren Canal Aruoba of Cornerstone Research will moderate this webinar panel hosted by the American Bar Association.


Promoting Competition in Artificial Intelligence

Ben Handel of the University of California, Berkeley will discuss competition and AI industry structure in healthcare at this virtual workshop hosted by the Department of Justice and Stanford University.


GCR Live: Cartels 2024

Celeste Saravia will join a panel of competition attorneys to discuss the impact of AI on competition law at this conference hosted by Global Competition Review.


Changes in Classwide Conduct: Leveraging Machine Learning to Overcome Challenges with Sentiment Analysis

Mike DeCesaris and Ernest Kim Song of Cornerstone Research will discuss advances in machine learning and AI at this webinar hosted by Strafford.


Assessing the Potential for Incentives to Raise Prices in Multi-Sided Platform Mergers

The authors review the challenges of assessing anticompetitive pricing incentives in horizontal multi-sided platform mergers.

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