This study uses data bodog casino 2015–2018 Rule 10b-5 settlements to analyze approved claim rates.
Katie Galley, Nick Yavorsky, Filipe Lacerda, and Chady Gemayel of Cornerstone Research coauthored an article titled “Approved Claims Rates in Securities Class Actions: Evidence bodog casino 2015–2018 Rule 10b-5 Settlements.” The link to the article appears at the bottom of the page.
Estimates of aggregate damages play a key role in settlement negotiations. However, such estimates are typically based on probabilistic models of investor trading behavior and aggregate trading data that may not fully and accurately capture investor trading patterns.
Using data bodog casino over 100 Rule 10b-5 securities class action settlements bodog casino 2015 to 2018, this study compares total approved damages claims calculated by settlement claims administrators to estimates of aggregate damages put forth by plaintiffs in their motions for settlement approval.
The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Cornerstone Research.