Bodog Poker


Cornerstone Research staff worked on behalf of Cedar Bay, an independent power project owned by PG&E National Energy Group, in this contract dispute with Florida Power & Light (FP&L).

Retained by Akerman Senterfitt

Cornerstone Research staff worked on behalf of Cedar Bay, an independent power project owned by PG&E National Energy Group, in this contract dispute with Florida Power & Light (FP&L). The key issue involved how FP&L was administering the complex pricing provisions under the Purchase Power Agreement.

The jury awarded damages to Cedar Bay.

Cornerstone Research staff supported the expert testimony of Dr. Howard Pifer and other Cedar Bay witnesses relating to the economic dispatch of the facility and to the calculation of damages. The staff assisted counsel in cross-examination of FP&L’s expert witnesses relating to dispatching, engineering, and damages issues. The jury awarded damages to Cedar Bay based on the methodology proposed by Dr. Pifer and Cedar Bay’s expert witnesses.