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Cornerstone Research provided pro bono consulting Bodog Poker in a matter to protect the rights of eligible U.S. citizens to vote in the 2020 general election.

Retained by Dechert and the ACLU

Cornerstone Research provided economic and statistical analysis of publicly available data regarding voting patterns and wait times in a U.S. state’s 2020 primary election, and helped identify additional resources needed for the 2020 general election in order to avoid unreasonably long wait times.

These analyses complemented the ACLU’s work to encourage local election authorities to increase voting resources for the 2020 general election in certain voting precincts.

Our work included:

  • Analyzing differences in voter turnout, voting wait times, and voting resources across the state’s counties.
  • Evaluating the influence of wait times and polling station closing times on voter turnout.
  • Identifying polling stations with the highest likelihood of experiencing long wait times.
  • Generating recommendations about resources needed to reduce wait times in the 2020 general election.

These analyses complemented the ACLU’s work to encourage local election authorities to increase voting resources for the 2020 general election in certain voting precincts.

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