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In this pro bono matter, J. Richard Dietrich of The Ohio State University and Elaine Harwood of Cornerstone Research were two of three members of an external review team who assessed CMC’s economics-accounting program. The team analyzed a variety of metrics, including:

  • Measuring the program against its own standards
  • Assessing the contribution of the program and its faculty to CMC’s mission
  • Comparing the program to similar departments/programs at other leading institutions

Reviewers considered the program’s curriculum, student learning outcomes, the quality of teaching, faculty research productivity, and the adequacy of existing resources dedicated to the program’s needs.

The review team, including Professor Dietrich and Dr. Harwood, wrote and submitted a report to the dean of its findings and recommendations to enhance the program’s effectiveness.

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J. Richard Dietrich

Professor Emeritus of Accounting,
Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems,
The Ohio State University

  • Los Angeles

Elaine M. Harwood

Senior Vice President