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A gathering of industry leaders, policymakers, and experts will explore the complex interplay of technology, economics, and competition.

Date & Location

Wednesday, October 23
8:30 AM–5:30 PM

Jack Morton Auditorium

Bodog Poker George Washington University
805 21st Street NW
Washington, DC

Featured Keynote Speakers

Rana Foroohar

Brave New World: AI and the Future

Rana Foroohar
Global Economic Analyst, CNN; Global Business Columnist, Financial Times

Paul Nakasone

Disruptive Technologies: Examining the Challenges and Opportunities of AI and Beyond

General Paul M. Nakasone, USA (Ret.)
Former Commander, U.S. Cyber Command; Former Director, National Security Agency; Board of Directors, OpenAI



bodog app download Registration and Breakfast
9:00–9:10 AM Welcome Remarks
9:10–9:30 AM Keynote Address

Brave New World: AI and the Future
Rana Foroohar
Global Economic Analyst, CNN; Global Business Columnist, Financial Times

9:30–10:45 AM Balancing Innovation and Regulation in Artificial Intelligence

AI technology is evolving quickly, as are the laws that strive to govern it. Over 60 nations have proposed new AI laws and regulations.

Panelists will cover the state of global AI regulation, the economics of AI models, legal challenges, and how the industry is innovating while managing privacy, intellectual property, and security risks.

10:45–11:00 AM Break
11:00 AM–12:15 PM Digital Ecosystems: Natural Evolution or Monopolies?

Digital commerce is increasingly characterized by interconnected platforms that span different industries.

Speakers will examine market forces driving this trend, regulation- and litigation-related digital ecosystems, and how they are evolving on both sides of the Atlantic.

12:15–1:15 PM Lunch
1:15–1:30 PM Keynote Address

Disruptive Technologies: Examining the Challenges and Opportunities of AI and Beyond
General Paul M. Nakasone, USA (Ret.)
Former Commander, U.S. Cyber Command; Former Director, National Security Agency; Board of Directors, OpenAI

1:30–2:45 PM The Growing Intersection Between Antitrust and National Security

Rising geopolitical tensions have created significant national security challenges that have converged with competition concerns, particularly in critical technologies like AI and semiconductors.

Panelists will examine the U.S.’s strategic policies to support its economic bodog sports betting app security and how they intersect with global antitrust issues.

2:45–3:00 PM Break
3:00–4:15 PM Data Flows and Privacy: Old Issues with New Tech?

As consumers embrace innovative technologies and are increasingly interconnected at a global level, data flows are expanding at unfathomable speed.

Panelists will explore legal challenges to data use policies, trade-offs with emerging privacy-enhancing tools, and the economic impact of the current patchwork of data regulations.

4:15–4:30 PM Closing Remarks
4:30–5:30 PM Cocktail Reception


Hosted by Cornerstone Research and the Bodog Poker George Washington University Competition & Innovation Lab

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