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This four-day event features panel discussions and contributed sessions on the latest developments in health economics.

Cornerstone Research staff and experts will participate on multiple panels at ASHEcon, which provides a platform for sharing findings, methods, and insights in health economics and related topics.

Laurence Baker, Stanford University

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  • (Author) Abstract: “On What Basis Do Hospitals and Insurers Negotiate DRG Prices?”
JP Bruno, Cornerstone Research

17 June

  • (Presenter) Session: “Being a Health Economist: Working in Government, Health Plans, Pharmaceuticals, Consulting Firms, Think Tanks and the Private Sector,” 3:30–5:00 PM
  • (Presenting Author) Abstract: “How Leaky Is the Bucket? Network Effects of 340B Contract Pharmacies”
  • (Author) Abstract: “Does bodog app download 340B Status Affect Pharmacy Demand? Evidence from Medicare Part D Plans”

19 June

  • (Chair) Session: “New Evidence of Impacts of 340B on Providers,” 8:30–10:00 AM
  • (Author) Abstract: “Estimated Impact of New 340B Patient Definitions on the Size of the 340B Program in Medicare”
M. Kate Bundorf, Duke University

17 June

  • (Discussant) Abstract: “Do Family Caregivers Subsidize Medicare Advantage Plans?”
  • (Discussant) Abstract: “Association between Transition to a Value-Based Medication Benefit and Acute, Preventable Diabetes Complications”

18 June

  • (Presenter) Session: “Meet the Editors,” 8:30–10:00 AM
  • (Chair) Session: “Fertility Policies and Treatments Around the World: Evidence from the US, China, and Sweden,” 1:45–3:15 PM
  • (Presenting Author) Abstract: “Racial Disparities in the Health Effects of Health Care Disruptions Among People Enrolled in Medicaid Due to Disability during the COVID-19 Pandemic”
  • (Author) Abstract: “Racial and Ethnic Segregation in Ambulatory Health Care”
  • (Discussant) Abstract: “Can Community Health Workers Affect Reproductive Health Decisions? Evidence from India”
  • (Discussant) Abstract: “The Economics of Infertility: Evidence from Reproductive Medicine”

19 June

  • (Chair) Session: “The Evolving Landscape of Integrated Care for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries: 3 Medicare Advantage Models,” 12:00–1:30 PM
  • (Author) Abstract: “Hospital Market Concentration and Access to Care for Low-Income Populations”
  • (Author) Abstract: “The Relationship between Care Coordination in Medicare Special Needs Plans and Medicaid Spending: A North Carolina Case Study”
Alice Chen, University of Southern California

18 June

  • (Author) Abstract: “Impact of Generic Drug Market Entry on Rebates for Brand Name Drugs”
Mark Duggan, Stanford University

18 June

  • (Author) Abstract: “The Impact of Privatization: Evidence from the Hospital Sector”
Daniel Kessler, Stanford University

17 June

  • (Presenting Author) Abstract: “The Effect of Organizations on Physician Prescribing: The Case of Opioids”
Darius Lakdawalla, University of Southern California

18 June

  • (Presenter) Session: “Being a Health Economist: Working in Different Types of Departments and Schools,” 10:15–11:45 AM
Anup Malani, University of Chicago

17 June

  • (Author) Abstract: “Understanding Health Care Fraud”
Sayeh Nikpay, University of Minnesota School of Public Health

17 June

  • (Organizer/Chair) Session: “New Evidence on 340B and Safety-Net Providers,” 8:30–10:00 AM
  • (Organizer/Chair) Session: “Emerging Issues in 340B Pharmacy,” 10:15–11:45 AM
  • (Discussant) Abstract: “Net Spending and Sources of Growth in the 340B Drug Pricing Program”
  • (Discussant) Abstract: “The Role of Clinician Peer Networks in Buprenorphine Adoption”
  • (Discussant) Abstract: “Exploring the Rapid Bodog Poker Growth of 340B Contract Pharmacies Among STD and HIV Clinics in the U.S. Safety Net”
  • (Author) Abstract: “Does bodog app download 340B Status Affect Pharmacy Demand? Evidence from Medicare Part D Plans”
  • (Author) Abstract: “Hacked to Pieces? the Effects of Ransomware Attacks on Hospitals and Patients”

18 June

  • (Chair) Session: “Policy Levers Affecting Provider Participation in Medicaid: Implications for Access and Equity,” 8:30–10:00 AM
  • (Presenting Author) Abstract: “Only One Can Win – Medicaid Drug Rebates and 340B Discounts”

19 June

  • (Organizer) Session: “New Evidence of Impacts of 340B on Providers,” 8:30–10:00 AM
  • (Presenting Author) Abstract: “Estimated Impact of New 340B Patient Definitions on the Size of the 340B Program in Medicare”
  • (Discussant) Abstract: “Impact of 340B Exposure on Treatment Cost of Medicare Patients with Cancer”

Cornerstone Research is a sponsor of this event, hosted by the American Society of Health Economists. For more information, please visit the event website.

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Laurence C. Baker

Professor of Health Policy,
Bing Professor of Human Biology,
Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research,
Stanford University;
Associate Chair for Education, Department of Health Policy,
Stanford School of Medicine;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

  • Chicago

J.P. Bruno


M. Kate Bundorf

J. Alexander McMahon Distinguished Professor of Health Policy and Management,
Sanford School of Public Policy,
Core Faculty Member, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy,
Duke University

Alice Chen

Associate Professor,
Sol Price School of Public Policy;
Senior Fellow,
Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics,
University of Southern California

Mark Duggan

Wayne and Jodi Cooperman Professor of Economics;
Trione Director,
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR);
Stanford University

Daniel P. Kessler

Professor of Political Economy, Stanford Graduate School of Business;
Professor of Law, Stanford Law School;
Professor (by courtesy) of Health Research and Policy, Stanford School of Medicine;
Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution and Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Stanford University;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

Darius Lakdawalla

Quintiles Chair in Pharmaceutical Development and Regulatory Innovation, School of Pharmacy,
Professor, Sol Price School of Public Policy,
Director of Research, Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics,
University of Southern California

Anup Malani

Lee and Brena Freeman Professor of Law,
University of Chicago Law School;
Professor by Courtesy,
Pritzker School of Medicine,
University of Chicago

Sayeh Nikpay

Associate Professor, bodog app download Division of Health Policy & Management,
School of Public Health,
University of Minnesota