Expert Forum: Frontline Perspectives on Recent Developments in Antitrust litigation bodog online casino, Privacy and Mergers


bodog online casino half-day, in-person conference in London focused on the current competition landscape, with panels on antitrust damages, data privacy and mergers.

Featuring economists, academics and legal experts working on some of today’s most significant cases, the conference offered insights on key issues in bodog online casino rapidly changing field.

Antitrust damages
  • Antitrust class actions and the scope of Article 102
  • How the UK courts are digesting economic evidence
  • Interplay between economic and other types of evidence
  • Key challenges of managing these cases
 Data privacy
  • Regulatory investigations following GDPR and DSAA
  • Economic trade-offs involving personal data and privacy
  • Dark patterns
  • Economic analyses of theories of harm in data privacy litigation
  • Merger investigations under Towercast
  • Key economic trade-offs
  • Assessing Towercast’s long-term effects
  • Managing merger activity in the post-Towercast world


Margaret K. Kyle

Chair in Intellectual Property and Markets for Technology,
MINES ParisTech

  • New York

Vildan Altuglu

Vice President

  • London

Anca Cojoc


  • London

Liam Colley

Senior Vice President

  • London

Vikram Kumar


  • Brussels

Gregor Langus

Vice President*

  • Boston | London

Vivek Mani

Vice President

Additional Speakers

Headshot of Belinda Bagge Belinda Bagge
Legal Director,
Competition and Regulatory Law,
Headshot of Dan Beard KC Dan Beard KC
Monckton Chambers
Headshot of Rachel Feldman Rachel Jari Feldman
White & Case
Headshot of Louise Freeman Louise Freeman
Partner and Co-chair,
Commercial Litigation and EMEA Dispute Resolution Practices,
Covington & Burling
Headshot of Tim Hickman Tim Hickman
White & Case
Headshot of Ting Li Ting Li
Professor of Digital Business,
Rotterdam School of Management,
Erasmus University
Headshot of Pierre Regibeau Pierre Régibeau
Chief Economist,
DG Competition
Headshot of Omar Shah Omar Shah
Morgan Lewis


Paz Herrero
Manager, Events
Cornerstone Research