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bodog app download At this annual event in New York, Rainer Schwabe will participate in a panel titled, “Financial Services in Antitrust.” Anand Krishnamurthy will speak on a panel titled, “Antitrust in Life Sciences.”

Dr. Schwabe will join competition economists, regulators, and counsel to assess the role of antitrust in the financial services sector. The panel will also discuss the impact that new financial regulations may have on competition. Other key topics will include consolidation in the banking and stock exchange industries, enforcement of private equity acquisitions, and challenges in creating a legal framework for the cryptocurrency exchange market.

Dr. Krishnamurthy will participate in a panel focused on antitrust and competition issues in the health and life sciences industries. Discussion topics will include recent mergers, increased antitrust scrutiny of information exchanges and collaborations, price and non-price abuses, and the importance of patent litigation.

This event is hosted by Concurrences and the Stern School of Business, New York University. For more information, visit the event website.

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  • Boston

Rainer Schwabe


  • New York

Anand Krishnamurthy
