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Cornerstone Research bodog online casino hosted a virtual presentation by Professor Joseph Grundfest of Stanford Law School, joined by Alexander “Sasha” Aganin of Cornerstone Research.

In a timely webinar, Stanford Law School Professor and former SEC Commissioner Joseph Grundfest, together with Alexander “Sasha” Aganin of Cornerstone Research, discussed rising trends in securities litigation. Their conversation included:

  • bodog online casino : The explosion in SPAC activity likely precedes a dramatic increase in SPAC-related securities litigation. The speakers discussed the factors contributing to this SPAC boom, as well as the likely implications for securities litigation.
  • Goldman Sachs litigation pending before the U.S. Supreme Court: A loss for Goldman Sachs could create a de facto irrebuttable presumption of reliance that would be problematic for some forms of securities litigation. The speakers analyzed the pending matter, with particular emphasis on the position advocated by the Solicitor General in an amicus brief.
  • Federal Forum Provisions: Professor Grundfest shared his observations on evolving judicial support for FFPs, and advised why all corporation charters / bylaws, as well as indentures, should uniformly contain them.

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Joseph A. Grundfest

Former Commissioner, Securities and Exchange Commission;
W. A. Franke Professor of Law and Business, Emeritus,
Stanford Law School,
Senior Faculty, Rock Center for Corporate Governance,
Stanford University


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Alexander “Sasha” Aganin

Senior Vice President