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  • Merger Review
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Showing 13 - 24 of 24

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The authors discuss high-profile cases in the EU and US that concern IP rights and competition policy.


Economic Issues in Merger Analysis for Platforms

The authors use recent enforcement examples to discuss market definition, theory of harm, and efficiencies in merger cases involving platforms.


Evaluating Innovation Theories of Harm in Merger Review: Economic Frameworks and Difficulties

The authors discuss recent life science cases that deal with innovation theories of harm, and what economic models can be useful in reviewing proposed mergers in this space.


The Future of Economics in Merger Trials: Rumors of Its Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

The authors discuss the role of economics in recent merger trials and analyze what makes economic testimony compelling within the current legal framework.


The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Competition Proceedings: Key Takeaways

At an October 2020 webinar, attorneys, economists and academics discussed a range of topics related to artificial intelligence and machine learning in competition cases.


MergerFest 2020: Alternative Counterfactuals in Merger Enforcement: Key Takeaways

In May 2020, Cornerstone Research hosted an expert panel that addressed topics related to alternative counterfactuals in merger enforcement, from potential competition to the failing firm defence.


Vertical Merger Guidelines Overlook Health Care Co. Issues

The authors discuss how the agencies’ Vertical Merger Guidelines analyze non-horizontal mergers, specifically in the healthcare industry.


5 Questions with Greg Eastman: The Failing Firm Defense in the Age of COVID-19

In this interview, Dr. Eastman considers the economic impact of COVID-19, how that impact compares to that of the 2008 financial crisis.


Questions Raised by the Proposed Vertical Merger Guidelines

The authors present some of the particularly significant topics that emerged in the comments and workshop discussions following the release of the joint draft vertical merger guidelines.


Efficiencies Defense in the Spotlight After T-Mobile/Sprint Ruling

In this article for Law360, the authors discuss the efficiencies case in T-Mobile/Sprint and discuss the impact this may have for future litigation strategies.


Comparing Vertical Merger Guidelines Across Jurisdictions

The authors explore the possible implications of these guidelines for national, cross-border, and transatlantic mergers in this Law360 article.


An Initial Comparison of the US Draft Vertical Merger Guidelines with EU and UK Guidelines

The authors provide an initial comparison of the draft US Vertical Merger Guidelines with the EU Non-Horizontal and the UK Merger Assessment Guidelines.

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