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  • Consumer Fraud and Product Liability
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Court-awarded premiums have also fallen sharply as court rulings have relied more on market evidence and deal price.

Press Release

Volume of 2022 Delaware Shareholder Appraisal Petitions Returns to Pre-Boom Levels as Court Decisions Have Made Appraisal Litigation Riskier

Court-awarded premiums have also fallen sharply as court rulings have relied more on market evidence and deal price.


Consumer Analysis Techniques for Partitioned Pricing Cases

This article analyzes recent regulatory and litigation trends surrounding partitioned pricing.


Garcia et al. v. Volkswagen Group of America Inc. et al.

The judge ruled in favor of our client, denying class certification in this consumer fraud class action.


Guzman et al. v. Polaris Inc. et al.

The court granted the defendants’ motion for summary judgment in this consumer fraud class action.


The Weak Foundations of Conjoint Analysis

David Gal of University of Illinois discusses the methodological limitations of conjoint analysis for assessing consumer preferences and estimating damages bodog app download in litigation settings.


Damages in Consumer Class Actions

The authors discuss methods such as conjoint surveys and regression analysis in the ABA’s A Practitioner's Guide to Class Actions.


Estimating Harm in Invasion of Privacy and Data Breach Disputes

The authors discuss the recent developments in the UK and the US in invasion of privacy and data breach cases.


MacKinnon v. Volkswagen Group Canada Inc. et al.

Justice Edward Belobaba of the Ontario Superior Court denied class certification on the basis that the plaintiffs failed to establish an economic loss or a methodology for determining economic losses…


Expert Forum: Cracking the Commonalities and Differences in Data Breach and Data Privacy Cases

At this Cornerstone Research video conference, academics, attorneys, and economists discussed current trends and future directions of data breach and data privacy matters.

Case v. Facebook Inc.

A judge denied plaintiff’s motion for class certification, citing Professor Hanssens’s expert report.


Ad Avoidance in False Advertising Consumer Class Actions

In consumer class actions involving allegations of deceptive or false advertising, plaintiffs may allege that a company misrepresented benefits or omitted information about a product in advertisements. In these cases,…

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