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  • Financial Institutions
  • Europe
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This Cornerstone Research event in London featured a presentation by Sheldon Mills, director of competition and strategy at the Financial Conduct Authority.


Expert Forum: Competition Collective Actions in Financial Markets

At this Cornerstone Research conference in London, attorneys and economists discussed economic and legal issues arising in competition collective action litigation against the UK’s financial services sector.


Policy and Economics in a Digital World

This Cornerstone Research event in London featured a presentation by Professor Jonathan Haskel, a member of the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England.

Press Release

Greg Leonard Joins Cornerstone Research’s London Office

Dr Leonard heads the firm’s European finance practice.


Country Risk Premium

Ronnie Barnes discusses expropriation risk in quantum assessments in international arbitration in this chapter published in The Investment Treaty Arbitration Review.


The Financial Conduct Authority’s First Competition Enforcement Decision

A Cornerstone Research expert was instructed by Eversheds Sutherland bodog app download on behalf of its asset management client in the first case where the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has used its competition…


Expert Forum: Market Manipulation and Disruptive Trading Enforcement

This Cornerstone Research conference featured a panel of lawyers and economists discussing challenges and benefits of the UK’s current market abuse regime.


Economic Analysis in UK Shareholder Group Actions

Ronnie Barnes outlines the key elements of a typical US economic analysis in order to consider what differences might be needed in a UK context.


Summary Judgment Victory in Barclays Securities Litigation

A judge dismissed this U.S. class action brought against Barclays Plc by investors who purchased stock months before the 2008 global financial crisis.


European Commission Enquiry of Credit Default Swaps Market

The Commission dropped its investigation into allegations that 13 large investment banks had prevented exchanges from entering the European CDS market.


Sovereign Bancorp Inc. Shareholders Litigation

The class action lawsuit on behalf of Sovereign Bancorp Inc. (Sovereign) shareholders was intended to prevent the shareholder vote on a 2008 proposal by Banco Santander, S.A. (Santander) to acquire…


ESG Re Limited v. Deloitte & Touche

Cornerstone Research worked with experts testifying on damages and reinsurance issues and assisted counsel in their defense of Deloitte & Touche against claims of malpractice and breach of contract in both U.S.…

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