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  • Market Manipulation and Market Microstructure
Showing 13 - 18 of 18

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The authors document a high number of automatic trading halts and other trading restrictions triggered in March 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Market Manipulation

Cornerstone Research conducts detailed analyses in a range of matters involving benchmark manipulation, spoofing and layering, corners and squeezes, and wash trading allegations.

Press Release

Greg Leonard Joins Cornerstone Research’s London Office

Dr Leonard heads the firm’s European finance practice.


Axiom Investment Advisors LLC et al. v. Deutsche Bank AG

An SDNY judge denied certification of two proposed classes in FX last-look matter on the grounds that the plaintiffs failed to meet predominance requirements.


European Commission Enquiry of Credit Default Swaps Market

The Commission dropped its investigation into allegations that 13 large investment banks had prevented exchanges from entering the European CDS market.


Pearce et al. v. UBS PaineWebber, Inc., et al.

This securities class action was filed on behalf of all noninstitutional investors who purchased and/or sold equity securities listed on NASDAQ through PaineWebber brokers during the class period.

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