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  • Antitrust and Competition
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The authors provide an overview of the Agencies’ guidance for assessing procompetitive effects in merger evaluation, with a focus on changes in in the 2023 Merger Guidelines.


Promoting Competition in Artificial Intelligence

Ben Handel of the University of California, Berkeley will discuss competition and AI industry structure in healthcare at this virtual workshop hosted by the Department of Justice and Stanford University.


Privacy by the Numbers

Vildan Altuglu of Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research will moderate this webinar panel featuring Avi Goldfarb of the University of Toronto and Pinar Yildirim of the University of Pennsylvania.


GCR Live: Cartels 2024

Celeste Saravia will join a panel of competition attorneys to discuss the impact of AI on competition law at this conference hosted by Global Competition Review.

Press Release

Economics Practice Head Honored for Excellence in Leadership among Top Consultants

Bodog Poker Consulting Magazine recognizes Bryan Ricchetti for “above-and-beyond” capabilities in the consulting profession.


Assessing the Potential for Incentives to Raise Prices in Multi-Sided Platform Mergers

The authors review the challenges of assessing anticompetitive pricing incentives in horizontal multi-sided platform mergers.


22nd Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC)

Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research staff and affiliated experts will present at this conference hosted by Northeastern University’s Department of Economics.


Antitrust West Coast 2024

Kirti Gupta will join a panel of corporate counsel to discuss “AI & Antitrust” at this San Francisco conference.


Entrenching and Leveraging Market Dominance in the 2023 Merger Guidelines: Insights from Amgen/Horizon

Insights from Amgen/Horizon merger on leveraging market dominance via bundling under 2023 Merger Guidelines.


2024 Technology Economics Competition (TEC) Institute Summit, Brussels

The summit featured global industry, policy, and academic experts on the intersection of technology, economics, and competition (TEC).


Innovation Law & Economics Conference

Vilen Lipatov will join a panel of attorneys, European regulators, and competition experts at this annual conference in London.


The Merger Control Forum 2024: Examining Recent Cases in Big Tech and Digital Markets

Gregor Langus will speak on a panel of attorneys and legal practitioners at this one-day conference in London.

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