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  • Antitrust and Competition
Showing 361 - 368 of 368

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Spirit Airlines alleged that Northwest Airlines engaged in predatory conduct on two domestic routes from Northwest’s Detroit hub.


Biotechnology Monopolization Class Action

Counsel for a biotechnology firm retained Cornerstone Research in a class action monopolization case.


Damages in Life-Cycle Management Case

Cornerstone Research assisted counsel in evaluating possible damages in a case where a branded pharmaceutical company was accused of delaying generic competition through various mechanisms.


Delayed Generic Competition

Counsel for a generic pharmaceutical company retained Cornerstone Research to assess the company’s incentives to launch a generic drug while ongoing patent litigation remained unresolved.


Exclusionary Practices in Managed Care Organizations’ Contracts

Cornerstone Research worked with the defense experts in a series of antitrust cases against the manufacturer of a branded drug with a dominant market share in its therapeutic class.


Hilton v. Children’s Hospital San Diego

Counsel for the defendants retained Dr. Michael Keeley, a senior vice president of Cornerstone Research, to evaluate the plaintiff’s antitrust claims from an economic perspective and to assess the validity…


In re Ovcon Antitrust Litigation

Counsel for codefendant Warner Chilcott retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Henry Grabowski of Duke University to determine if an exclusive supply agreement between Warner Chilcott and Barr Pharmaceuticals had any…


Mylan Pharmaceuticals v. The Procter & Gamble Company

In an alleged predatory pricing matter, Mylan Pharmaceuticals, a generic drug manufacturer, claimed that Procter & Gamble, the brand manufacturer, and Watson Pharmaceuticals, an authorized generic manufacturer, were selling competing…

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