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  • Bankruptcy and Financial Distress
Showing 37 - 48 of 52

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Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research worked with Professor John Peavy of Texas Christian University, who testified regarding the viability of WorldCom prior to its bankruptcy filing in July 2002.


Analysis of Complex Transactions

In the context of the impending bankruptcy of a major corporation, Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research worked with a finance expert to analyze a complex transaction that was alleged to constitute a fraudulent…


Bank Holding Company Bankruptcy

In a claim brought by the trustee of a bankrupt bank holding company, defense counsel retained Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research.



Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research was retained by a law firm representing a computer maker in a decade long securities class-action suit.


Failed Financial Institution

Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research in a Resolution Trust Corporation lawsuit against the former officers and directors of a savings and loan, in which the plaintiff claimed that the defendants…


Failed Hedge Funds and Insurers

In cases arising from bodog online casino the failures of hedge funds and insurers, Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research has worked with Professor René Stulz of The Ohio State University to assess investment strategies and to…


Failed Leveraged Buyouts

In a lender liability case involving a large European bank and its merchant banking subsidiary, we assisted the banks’ counsel.


Fraudulent Asset Sale Claim

Counsel defending a national retailer retained Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research in a fraudulent conveyance action that arose from the sale of assets by one of the retailer’s regional divisions to a competitor.


High Yield Debt Pricing

Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research supported two experts who addressed allegations regarding an investment bank’s role in the failure of a life insurance company.


Holding Company Liability for Asbestos-Related Claims Against a Subsidiary

In a case involving asbestos-related claims, Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research assisted counsel for a holding company which had acquired a homebuilder two years prior to seeking bankruptcy protection.


Valuation of Emerging Market Company Bonds

Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research analyzed the relative value of several classes of high yield bonds issued by an emerging market company that subsequently failed.


Reliance on Audited Financial Statements

Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research and Professor Christopher James of the University of Florida were retained to assist KPMG in a dispute with a syndicate of banks over a secured line of credit…

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