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The minority partners sued Western for breach of the partnership agreements, alleging that Western improperly pledged partnership assets to finance activities that did not benefit the partnerships.


Comcast–NBC Universal Joint Venture

Comcast Corporation and its outside counsel retained Cornerstone Research to work on regulatory and competition issues related to the $30 billion joint venture between Comcast and NBC Universal (NBCU).


Allen T. Gilliland Trust et al. v. H&F MobileMedia Partners, LLC, et al.

In a case involving the wireless telecommunications industry, counsel for MobileMedia’s auditors retained Dr. Allan Kleidon, a senior vice president of Cornerstone Research, to analyze the plaintiffs’ decision to affirm…


Danis v. USN Communications, Inc., et al.

In a class action against USN Communications (USN), the plaintiffs alleged that the company’s misstatements and omissions had misled the investing public regarding, among other things, USN’s billing capabilities.


Auditor Liability Following Client Bankruptcy

Counsel for a large auditing firm retained Cornerstone Research in an action arising from the bankruptcy of one of the auditor’s clients.


Dencom Systems, Inc. v. Mitel, Inc., et al.

Dencom, a distributor of Mitel private branch exchange (PBX) telecommunications equipment, alleged that Mitel had engaged in predatory pricing and other anticompetitive business practices.


Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. et al. v. Connectix Corporation

Counsel for Connectix retained Dr. Michael Keeley to analyze the economic issues in this copyright infringement case.


Level One Communications, Inc. v. SEEQ Technology, Inc.

Level One sued SEEQ, claiming infringement of two of its patents, and SEEQ countersued, asserting that Level One had infringed one of its patents.



MCI sued AT&T, claiming that certain AT&T patents covering intelligent network services were invalid.


Andersen Consulting v. Arthur Andersen and Andersen Worldwide

In an international arbitration, Cornerstone Research supported the claimants, the Andersen Consulting firms (Andersen Consulting), in their breach of contract claim against the Arthur Andersen firms (Arthur Andersen) and Andersen…


Copyright Infringement of Design of Cellular Telephone Retail Stores

An architectural firm filed a claim in arbitration against a wireless service provider for copyright infringement over its alleged use of certain architectural drawings in the design of the wireless…


Patent Infringement Matter Involving Internet Routing

A patentee, who never manufactured any products using its technology, alleged that certain routers and switches sold by a defendant infringed four patents involving optimization of telecommunications routing.

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