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  • Corporate Transaction Litigation
Showing 49 - 53 of 53

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Cornerstone Research was asked to calculate the fair market value of the assets (including goodwill) of a privately held veterinary pharmaceutical company.


Monona Wire Corp. v. Code, Hennessey & Simmons

A leveraged buyout fund sued a venture capital firm, claiming an operating company sold to the plaintiff had been valued inappropriately and alleging failure to disclose material information about the…


Oracle v. PeopleSoft

Counsel for Oracle retained Cornerstone Research and a finance professor to bodog online casino analyze the valuation methodologies used by PeopleSoft.


OurHouse, Inc. v. UAL Loyalty Services, Inc.

OurHouse, Inc., alleged that United NewVentures breached a contractual obligation to grant OurHouse, for an up-front fee, the right to send weekly e-mail promotions to MyPoints members.


Dollar General Corporation Shareholder Litigation

In a case arising from a leveraged buyout of Dollar General by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR) in March 2007, the shareholders of Dollar General sued KKR, Dollar General,…

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