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  • Life Sciences
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Cornerstone Research worked with Professor Iain Cockburn of Boston University in a breach-of-contract dispute between two biotechnology companies.


Average Wholesale Price Litigation

Cornerstone Research has worked with counsel for several pharmaceutical companies on state False Claims Act cases alleging that these companies caused state Medicaid agencies to overpay for prescription drugs by…


Bard Peripheral Vascular, Inc. v. W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.

In 1984 W.L. Gore & Associates (Gore) obtained an option from Bard Peripheral Vascular (Bard) to license any patent resulting from a patent application that issued in 2002 as the…


Biotechnology Manufacturing Agreement

A U.S. company that owned a patented biotechnology product engaged a European contractor to produce the product for commercial sale.


Biotechnology Monopolization Class Action

Counsel for a biotechnology firm retained Cornerstone Research in a class action monopolization case.


High-Technology Medical Devices

A leading manufacturer of high-technology medical devices retained Dr. Matthew Lynde, a vice president of Cornerstone Research, to evaluate the patent infringement damages claims of the plaintiff, another manufacturer of…


SEC v. Biopure Corporation

In litigation brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against Biopure Corporation (Biopure) and several current and former officers of the company involving its drug Hemopure, counsel for Biopure…

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