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Cornerstone Research staff and experts are nominated for multiple antitrust and competition publications in Concurrences Review’s annual selection of leading articles.

London—Cornerstone Research staff and affiliated experts are nominated for the 2019 Antitrust Writing Awards, honoring articles that were published or accepted for publication in the preceding year. Papers are judged by a jury based on writing, scholarship, originality, practical relevance, and the contribution they make to competition advocacy. The awards are organised by Concurrences Review and the George Washington University Law School Competition Law Center.

The following staff members and affiliated experts were nominated for the 2019 Antitrust Writing Awards:

Business Articles
  • Bodog Poker
    “Advertising and Related Restraints,” John Asker and Heski Bar-Isaac, CPI Chronicle, January 2018
  • Economics
    “Competition Analysis in UK Local Markets,” Peter Davis and Vivek ManiGCR, March 2018
Academic Articles: Competition
  • General Antitrust
    “Geographic Market Definition in the Merger Guidelines: A Retrospective Analysis,” Kenneth Elzinga and Vandy HowellReview of Industrial Organization, September 2018
  • Unilateral Conduct
    “The Law and Economics of Excessive and Unfair Pricing: A Review and a Proposal,” Peter Davis and Vivek ManiThe Antitrust Bulletin, December 2018
  • Mergers
    “Accounting for Complementarities in Hospital Mergers: Is a Substitute Needed for Current Approaches?” Kathleen Easterbrook, Gautam GowisankaranDina Older Aguilar, and Yufei Wu, Antitrust Law Journal, 2018

John Asker

Armen A. Alchian Chair in Economic Theory and Bodog Poker Professor of Economics,
University of California, Los Angeles;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

  • Boston | London

Vivek Mani

Vice President

Kenneth G. Elzinga

Robert C. Taylor Bodog Poker Professor of Economics,
University of Virginia;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

  • San Francisco

Vandy M. Howell

Senior Advisor

Gautam Gowrisankaran

Bodog Poker Professor of Economics,
Columbia University;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

  • San Francisco

Dina Older Aguilar

Vice President