Accounting-Related Securities Class bodog casino Filings Continue to Rise in 2020


bodog casino case settlement value more than tripled, driven by an increase in mega settlements.

Los Angeles—Against the backdrop of a worldwide pandemic and a decline in overall securities class bodog casino filing activity, the number of securities class bodog casino filings involving accounting allegations increased in 2020 for the third consecutive year, according to a report released today by Cornerstone Research.

The report, Accounting Class bodog casino Filings and Settlements—2020 Review and Analysis, found that accounting allegations continue to have a substantial impact on securities class actions. Accounting allegations were present in more than 30% of all federal securities class bodog casino filings, and accounting cases made up 84% of total settlement dollars in 2020.

More than one-third of bodog casino cases filed in 2020 included allegations of improper revenue recognition, nearly double the proportion in 2019.

Plaintiffs filed 70 securities class bodog casino lawsuits involving accounting allegations in 2020, up from 67 the previous year and the second-highest number in the last 10 years.

There were 38 accounting case settlements in 2020, more than the 34 settlements in the previous year but still lower than in the peak years of 2015 to 2017. The number of accounting case settlements represented almost 50% of all securities class bodog casino settlements in 2020.

Total bodog casino case settlement dollars rose to .5 billion in 2020, more than triple the total of 2 million in 2019. This increase was driven by a small number of mega settlements (those valued at 0 million or higher). The median bodog casino case settlement value was .8 million, comparable to the median settlement value of .6 million in 2019.

For defendant companies named in accounting case bodog casino, the Disclosure Dollar Loss Index® (DDL Index®), a measure of market capitalization losses, reached its highest level in the last 10 years. Market capitalization losses for accounting case bodog casino were 77% higher than the 2011–2019 annual average DDL for accounting cases.

Author Commentary

Elaine M. Harwood, Senior Vice President: “Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, accounting class bodog casino filings reached their highest level since 2011. More than one-third of accounting cases filed in 2020 included allegations of improper revenue recognition, nearly double the proportion in 2019.”

Frank T. Mascari, Principal: “The trend of accounting case bodog casino against larger companies observed in 2019 continued in 2020. The 10 largest issuer defendants accounted for almost 70% of the market capitalization losses for accounting cases in 2020.”

Laura E. Simmons, Senior Advisor: “Accounting issues remain at the forefront of the largest securities class bodog casino settlements, and recent trends in case filings suggest that is unlikely to change in the near future.”

Accounting Class bodog casino Filings and Settlements—2020 Review and Analysis

  • Defendant firm size, bodog casino: At .3 billion, the median market capitalization of issuer defendants in 2020 was almost 18% higher than the 2019 median market capitalization of .1 billion, and 56% greater than the 2011–2019 average.
  • Defendant firm size, settlements: The median market capitalization of 4.1 million in bodog casino case settlements was 41% higher than the average annual median for 2011–2019.
  • Dismissals: The first-year dismissal rate of bodog casino cases filed in 2020 was 3%, the lowest percentage of current-year dismissals over the last 10 years.
  • Restatements: There were 11 accounting case bodog casino involving financial statement restatements in 2020, the lowest level in 10 years. In 2020, the proportion of settled accounting cases involving restatements was also the lowest over the last 10 years.
  • Internal control weaknesses: There were 25 accounting case bodog casino containing an allegation, but no announcement, of internal control weaknesses, the highest level since 2015. Of the 19 settlements in 2020 that involved a company announcement of an internal control weakness, 42% also involved a restatement.
  • Industry: For the third year in a row, there were as many or more accounting case bodog casino and accounting case settlements in the Consumer Non-Cyclical sector (including biotechnology, healthcare, and pharmaceutical companies) than any other industry sector.
About bodog casino Cases

Cases are considered “bodog casino cases” if they involve allegations related to Generally Accepted bodog casino Principles (GAAP) violations, violations of other reporting standards, auditing violations, or weaknesses in internal controls over financial reporting.

This year’s report focuses on federal securities class bodog casino filings containing Rule 10b-5, Section 11, or Section 12(a) claims, previously referred to as “core” filings.