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Concurrences Review recognized Sinan Corus, Craig Malam, Russell Molter, and Julia Tanndal of Cornerstone Research, together with affiliated expert Margaret Kyle of MINES ParisTech, bodog app download as winners in its annual contest featuring leading antitrust and competition articles.

Concurrences Review selected two Cornerstone Research articles as winners of the 2024 Antitrust Writing Awards. A third paper, on bodog casino review|Most Popular_the website's performance, was nominated in the academic articles category.

Winner: Readers’ Choice – Academic Articles: Intellectual Property
Winner: Readers’ Choice – Business Articles: Mergers

The highly regarded awards, organized by Concurrences Review and the George Washington University Law School Competition Law Center, honor the best articles published or accepted for publication in the preceding year. Papers are judged by a jury based on writing, scholarship, originality, practical relevance, and the contribution they make to competition advocacy. The jury comprises leading academics, regulators and practitioners in the global antitrust and competition space.

The highly regarded awards honor the best articles published or accepted for publication in the preceding year . . . based on writing, scholarship, originality, practical relevance, and the contribution they make to competition advocacy.

The 2024 results were announced at a gala dinner awards ceremony in Washington, DC on 9 April 2024. For more information, visit the Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards website.

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  • London

Sinan Corus

Senior Manager

  • San Francisco

Craig Malam


  • Chicago

Russell Molter


  • London

Julia Tanndal


Margaret K. Kyle

Chair in Intellectual Property and Markets for Technology,
MINES ParisTech