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Brendan Rudolph and Carlos Brain selected for private bodog online casino equity, product liability boards

Cornerstone Research is pleased to announce that principal Bodog Poker|Most and vice president bodog casino have been selected to serve on Law360’s 2024 Editorial Advisory Boards in the areas of private equity and product liability, respectively. Selected from dozens of applicants, Mr. Rudolph and Mr. Brain will provide feedback on Law360’s coverage and expert insight on how best to shape future coverage.

“We are honored to be selected for Law360’s 2024 Editorial Advisory Boards,” said Mr. Rudolph and Mr. Brain. “We look forward to engaging with the publication and other board members to share our unique perspectives as economists and legal consultants and ensure that key issues in private equity and product liability receive well-rounded coverage.”

As cohead of Cornerstone Research’s private equity and venture capital practice, Mr. Rudolph’s experience has involved a number of hedge fund, venture capital, and private equity cases. His work in these matters includes evaluating portfolio performance, strategy, and investment suitability; as well as conducting valuations of portfolio and fund management companies. He has also analyzed private investments in public equity (PIPEs), evaluated the likelihood of success for early-stage startups, and assessed partnership structure.

Mr. Brain applies economic and statistical analytical methods, as well as sophisticated marketing research techniques, to product liability, bodog sports betting app product misrepresentation, and false advertising matters, among others. In these contexts, he has conducted and critiqued consumer surveys, analyzed market data, performed statistical analyses, performed content analysis on marketing communications, and evaluated damages methodologies.

Comprised of eight to twelve individuals, Law360’s Editorial Advisory Boards are comprised of U.S. and international lawyers, non-lawyers, and in-house counsel and government attorneys.

  • New York

Brendan J. Rudolph


  • Silicon Valley

Carlos D. Brain

Vice President