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Cornerstone Research affiliated experts and staff were selected for the 2022 list of ‘the best consultants, expert witnesses and advisers in the world.’

bodog sports betting app Who’s Who Legal named Cornerstone Research affiliated experts and staff in its 2022 list of global leaders among competition economists. Those recognised ‘are highlighted for their provision of expert knowledge and testimony in complex antitrust matters, alongside the superb advice they provide to lawyers and clients on intricate matters of competition economics.’

These individuals are recognised for their outstanding support ‘to lawyers and clients on intricate matters of competition economics.’

The following leading academics and Cornerstone Research consultants appear in the 2022 listing of global leader competition economists:  

Academic Experts
  • John Asker is the Armen A. Alchian Chair in Economic Theory and Professor of Economics at the University of California, Los Angeles. Professor Asker has testified as an expert witness and served as an economic consultant and adviser to both federal and state regulatory agencies.
  • Ernst Berndt is the Louis E. Seley Professor Emeritus in Applied Economics and Professor, Applied Economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Prfofessor Berndt is an expert on pharmaceuticals and healthcare.
  • Timothy F. Bresnahan is the Landau Professor in Technology and the Economy, Emeritus, at Stanford University. Professor Bresnahan is an expert on the empirical measurement of market power and on testing models of imperfect competition.
  • Kenneth G. Elzinga is the Robert C. Taylor Professor of Economics at the University of Virginia. Known as the co-creator of the Elzinga-Hogarty test, used to define relevant geographic markets in antitrust analyses, Professor Elzinga’s work has been cited by the US Supreme Court.
  • Gautam Gowrisankaran is Professor of Economics at Columbia University. Professor Gowrisankaran has testified in competition matters before the Federal Trade Commission, in US district and state courts, and in international venues.
  • Scott Hemphill is the Moses H. Grossman Professor of Law at the School of Law, New York University. Professor Hemphill provides expert testimony on antitrust matters, in which he has addressed such topics as merger effects, monopsony, industry regulation, vertical restraints and exclusionary conduct.
  • Justin McCrary is the Paul J. Evanson Professor of Law at Columbia Law School. An expert on statistical methods and economic modelling at the intersection of law and economics, Professor McCrary has testified on issues related to class certification, antitrust, labour and statistics.
  • Nathan Miller is the Provost’s Distinguished Associate Professor at Georgetown University and the Saleh Romeih Associate Professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. Professor Miller’s research focuses on merger investigations, cartels, tacit coordination and price discrimination.
  • Aviv Nevo is the George A. Weiss and Lydia Bravo Weiss University Professor and Professor of Economics and Marketing at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Professor Nevo was formerly chief economist at the Antitrust Division at the US Department of Justice.
  • Ariel Pakes, the Thomas Professor of Economics at Harvard University, is recognised globally as a leader in industrial organisation. Professor Pakes has spoken on competition issues before numerous international agencies, and also before the US Federal Trade Commission, Department of Justice and Federal Communications Commission, among others.
  • Peter C. Reiss is the MBA Class of 1963 Professor of Economics at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. Professor Reiss is an industrial organisation economist who studies questions related to competition among firms, with a focus on statistical analysis.
  • William P. Rogerson is the Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor at Northwestern University. Professor Rogerson is an industrial organisation economist who researches antitrust, regulation and telecommunications issues.
Cornerstone Research Consultants
  •  Bodog Poker|Most is a senior vice president in Cornerstone Research’s London office. Mr Colley heads the firm’s European competition practice. He is a testifying economics expert specialising in competition, antitrust damages and economic regulation issues.
  • bodog online is CEO of Cornerstone Research, based in the firm’s Chicago office. Dr Guha has led the firm’s work on numerous complex antitrust and competition matters. He consults on regulatory inquiries, motion practice and all phases of litigation and arbitral proceedings in the United States and international venues.
  • bodog online casino|Welcome is a vice president in Cornerstone Research’s Chicago office and co-head of the firm’s global antitrust and competition practice. Dr Hatzitaskos leads merger review teams for merging parties and government agencies in investigations.
  • Bodog Poker|Most is a senior vice president in Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research’s San Francisco office. An economist with expertise in industrial organisation and labour economics, Dr Howell focuses on antitrust, intellectual property, marketing and class certification matters.
  • bodog app download|Most is a senior vice president in Cornerstone Research’s New York office and head of the firm’s consumer fraud and product liability practice. Dr Hussain analyses economic, marketing, and statistical (econometrics) issues in competition, consumer fraud, product liability, antitrust, healthcare, breach of contract and intellectual property matters.
  • bodog sports betting is a senior adviser at Cornerstone Research. Dr Keeley has served as an expert in numerous cases dealing with antitrust issues that include price fixing, monopolisation, tying, bundling, exclusive dealing, predatory pricing, price discrimination, mergers and class certification.
  • bodog sports betting is a senior vice president in Cornerstone Research’s New York office. Dr Neher assesses liability and damages issues in antitrust and competition matters involving allegations of price fixing, tying, monopolisation and other exclusionary conduct.
  • bodog sports betting is a vice president in Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research’s San Francisco office and co-head of the firm’s healthcare practice. Ms Older Aguilar specialises in economic analyses of class certification, liability and damages issues, as well as merger evaluations.
  • bodog app download|Most is a vice president in Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research’s San Francisco office and co-head of the firm’s healthcare practice. Dr Salgado has substantial experience with antitrust issues in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries.
  • Bodog Poker|Most Popular_with is a vice president in Cornerstone Bodog Poker Research’s San Francisco office. Dr Saravia specialises in class certification, liability and damages issues arising in antitrust and regulatory matters. She has particular expertise in the economics of distribution and franchising, vertical restraints and other exclusionary conduct.
  • Bodog Poker|Most Popular_of is chair of the board of Cornerstone Research, based in the firm’s Silicon Valley office. The former head of the firm’s antitrust and competition practice, Dr Topper has consulted on antitrust issues in many high-profile mergers, including for merging parties, enforcement agencies and third parties.

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John Asker

Armen A. Alchian Chair in Economic Theory and Professor of Economics,
University of California, Los Angeles;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

Kenneth G. Elzinga

Robert C. Taylor Professor of Economics,
University of Virginia;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

Gautam Gowrisankaran

Professor of Economics,
Columbia University;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

C. Scott Hemphill

Moses H. Grossman Professor of Law,
School of Law, New York University

Justin McCrary

Paul J. Evanson Professor of Law,
Columbia Law School;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

Ariel Pakes

Thomas Professor of Economics,
Harvard University;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

Peter C. Reiss

MBA Class of 1963 Professor of Economics, Emeritus
Stanford Graduate School of Business;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

William P. Rogerson

Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Economics,
Northwestern University

  • London

Liam Colley

Senior Vice President

  • Chicago

Rahul Guha

Chief Executive Officer

  • Chicago

Kostis Hatzitaskos

Senior Vice President

  • San Francisco

Vandy M. Howell

Senior Advisor

Michael C. Keeley

Senior Advisor

  • New York

Darwin V. Neher

Senior Vice President

  • San Francisco

Dina Older Aguilar

Vice President

  • San Francisco

Maria Salgado

Vice President

  • San Francisco

Celeste C. Saravia

Vice President,
Cornerstone Research;
University of California, Berkeley

  • Silicon Valley

Michael D. Topper

Chair of the Board