Securities Class bodog poker review Filings


Cornerstone Research, in cooperation with the Stanford Law School Securities Class bodog poker review Clearinghouse (SCAC), publishes a series of reports on securities class actions filed after the passage of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (PSLRA or Reform Act).

Our reports are widely cited, providing comprehensive statistics on historical and recent filings activity, characteristics, and trends.

Securities Class bodog poker review Clearinghouse (SCAC)

SCAC is cosponsored by Cornerstone Research and Stanford Law School. It includes regularly updated information on post–PSLRA federal securities bodog poker review actions. This data provides the research sample for our semiannual report.

  • 25+

    Years of data

  • 6K+

    Filing records

  • 2

    Filings reports released each year


Securities Class bodog poker review Filings

Tracking of artificial intelligence–related filings began while the number of cryptocurrency-related filings declined.


Securities Class bodog poker review Filings

The number of securities class bodog poker review lawsuits increased slightly in 2023, reversing the trend of decline over the last three consecutive years.


Securities Class bodog poker review Filings

The number of securities class bodog poker review filings increased in the first half of 2023.

2022 Year in Review

Securities Class bodog poker review Filings

The report found that plaintiffs filed 208 securities class bodog poker review lawsuits in federal and state courts in 2022.


Securities Class bodog poker review Filings

Plaintiffs filed 110 new securities class bodog poker review lawsuits in federal and state courts in the first half of 2022.

2021 Year in Review

Securities Class bodog poker review Filings

The report found plaintiffs filed far fewer securities class bodog poker review complaints in 2021 than in the previous year.

2021 Midyear Assessment

Securities Class bodog poker review Filings

This report shows that overall filing activity dropped considerably in the first half of 2021, falling to 112 filings from 150 filings in the second half of 2020.

2020 Year in Review

Securities Class bodog poker review Filings

This report found that declines in state court filings and filings related to M&A contributed to a 22% decrease in the number of securities bodog poker review actions filed in 2020.



  • Silicon Valley

Alexander “Sasha” Aganin

Senior Vice President

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