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Senior Vice President


  • Chicago


Bryan Ricchetti is the head of Cornerstone Research’s economics practice and serves on the firm’s board of directors. Dr. Ricchetti specializes in antitrust and labor matters. He focuses bodog app download on economic and statistical issues when assessing antitrust impact, market definition, market power, class certification, hiring and compensation decisions, and alleged discrimination. His industry expertise includes technology, online commerce, online search, retail, food and agriculture, education, and sports.

As an expert witness, Dr. Ricchetti has been retained to analyze questions of antitrust impact and bodog casino review damages, and the procompetitive effects of a horizontal agreement. He has been deposed multiple times and has testified at trial in a U.S. federal court.

In 2024, Consulting Magazine named Dr. Ricchetti to its Bodog Poker|Most Popular_approach, recognizing him for “above and beyond” leadership across multiple categories, disciplines, and offices. Who’s Who Legal has also recognized Dr. Ricchetti as a Future Leader and Thought Leader in the competition field.

Antitrust and competition

Dr. Ricchetti consults on competition matters involving horizontal price fixing, vertical exclusionary practices, and attempted monopolization or monopsony, among other issues. His recent case experience includes engagements in competition in the technology industry, including online search and online commerce.

Dr. Ricchetti also works extensively on labor monopsony issues, including multiple class actions alleging violations of no-poach agreements. For example, he supported expert testimony in bodog app download|Most Popular_whileMcDonald’s and Jimmy John’s.

Complex discrimination

Dr. Ricchetti works on high-profile matters involving applying statistical analysis to claims of discrimination. In the closely followed Bodog Poker|Most Popular_help provide information, Dr. Ricchetti supported expert testimony related to statistical analyses of alleged discrimination in Harvard’s admissions process.

Dr. Ricchetti has significant experience applying statistical analyses to discrimination claims in various labor markets. He has analyzed pay and promotion outcomes in class action litigation in the financial services, retail, and tech sectors, among other industries.

Pro bono

On behalf of the ACLU of Mississippi, Dr. Ricchetti provided expert testimony in bodog app download|Most Popular_We use cookies, analyzing the placement of police roadblocks in predominantly African-American neighborhoods in Madison County, Mississippi.


Dr. Ricchetti presents and publishes research bodog app download on economic and statistical issues that arise in litigation. Together with Bodog Poker|Most Popular_site's analytics, Dr. Ricchetti coauthored Bodog Poker|Most Popular_plugin. The cookie is published in ABA Antitrust Magazine. He also coauthored “Applying Econometrics to Assess Market Definition and Market Power,” a chapter in the ABA Section of Antitrust Law’s handbook on Econometrics: Legal, Practical, and Technical Issues.

Before joining Cornerstone Research, Dr. Ricchetti was an economist at the U.S. Census Bureau and an analyst at MDRC, a public policy think tank.


2024 Technology Economics Competition (TEC) Institute Summit, Washington, DC

Press Release

WWL: Competition—Economists 2024

Press Release

Economics Practice Head Honored for Excellence in Leadership among Top Consultants

Press Release

WWL: Competition Future Leaders—Consulting Experts and Economists 2023

Press Release

WWL: Competition Global Leaders and Consulting Experts 2023

Press Release

Cornerstone Research Staff and Affiliated Experts Submit Comments on the Joint FTC-DOJ Draft Merger Guidelines

Press Release

Cornerstone Research Announces Promotions to Senior Vice President


Accounting for the Employee-Employer Relationship in Antitrust Analysis

  • “Antitrust Impact in Indirect Purchaser Class Actions: The Need for Rigorous Analysis of Pass-Through,” Distribution and Franchising Committee, American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law, April 2015
  • “Interpreting Comcast: Judge Koh’s Decision in Brazil v. Dole Foods,” Agriculture and Food Committee Newsletter, American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law, 2015
  • “Preparing for Deposition and Dealing with Daubert Challenges,” Fordham Competition Law Institute 2016, 21 September 2016
  • “Antitrust Law & Economics Institute for Judges 2015,” American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law, Federal Judicial Center, and George Mason Judicial Education Program, 21 October 2015
  • Mock Antitrust Trial, American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting, 16 April 2015