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Senior Manager


  • Silicon Valley


Chris Bruegge provides economic and financial analysis and expert support in all phases of commercial litigation. Dr. Bruegge has a range of experience in matters involving antitrust, consumer fraud and product liability, and energy and the environment.

Selected industry experience
  • Airlines, automobiles, energy and environment, and technology.
Academic research and presentations
  • “The Distributional Effects of Building Codes,” with Tatyana Deryugina and Erica Myers, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 6: S1 (2019).
  • “Does the Housing Market Value Energy Efficient Homes? Evidence from the Energy Star Program,” with Jaren Pope and Carmen Carrion-Flores, Regional Science and Urban Economics 57 (2016).
Honors and awards
  • Graduate Fellowship, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Stanford University
  • SPICE (Student Projects for Intellectual Community Enhancement Details) Grant, Stanford University
  • Amos G. Warner Fellowship, Department of Economics, Stanford University
  • Barbara Finberg Fellowship, Stanford University
Professional Affiliations

United States of America et al. v. JetBlue Airways Corporation and Spirit Airlines Inc.


U.S. and Plaintiff States v. American Airlines Group Inc. and JetBlue Airways Corp.