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  • New York


Lucy Lee specializes in complex financial economics and data issues arising in business litigation and regulatory investigations. Ms. Lee works on matters involving financial derivatives and risk management, market manipulation and improper bodog sports betting app trading, antitrust claims in financial markets, valuation and mergers and acquisitions (M&A), and securities class action litigation. Her expertise spans various financial products, including spot, forwards, futures, swaps, vanilla and exotic options, and structured products across interest rates, credit, foreign exchange (FX), precious metals, and equities markets.

Financial derivatives and risk management

Ms. Lee leads teams in matters involving valuation of financial derivatives and hedging/analyzing risks of financial derivatives in interest rates, credit, FX, precious metals, and equities markets. Her experience includes:

  • Conducting valuation of a large portfolio of over-the-counter (OTC) financial derivatives in interest rates, FX, and precious metals markets in an International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) close-out
  • Analyzing market risks (e.g., delta, gamma, vega) related to financial derivatives and assessing related hedging activities
  • Evaluating hedging activities associated with different types of barrier options
  • Assessing bid-ask spreads in inter-dealer vs. dealer-end client markets for credit default swaps (CDS)
Market manipulation and antitrust claims in financial markets

Ms. Lee consults to clients and supports experts to address market manipulation and antitrust issues in commercial litigation and regulatory and internal investigations. She has substantial experience assessing the alleged market manipulation of asset prices, bid-ask spreads, and/or benchmark prices in bonds, interest rate derivatives, CDS, FX, precious metals, and stock markets. Ms. Lee has worked with major financial institutions to analyze large transaction-level datasets and conducted forensic analyses of specific trading episodes. Her experience includes:

  • Analyzing bonds and CDS trading prior to, on the days of, and post CDS auctions
  • Evaluating order placements and price dislocations bodog sports betting app around New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) closing auctions
  • Analyzing spoofing, layering, and other improper trading strategies using order book data
  • Evaluating alleged anticompetitive manipulation of asset prices, closing and benchmark fixing prices, bid-ask spreads, and the effect of such alleged manipulation on related financial derivatives in both OTC and exchange settings
  • Assessing transaction costs, bid-ask spreads, and trading around benchmark fixings in financial markets
  • Assessing high-frequency transaction data in conjunction with trader communication records
  • Extracting, analyzing, and producing large transaction-level datasets for major financial institutions
Valuation and M&A

In the context of M&A and corporate transaction disputes, Ms. Lee performs valuation analyses in connection with fairness opinions for M&A transactions using discounted cash flow (DCF), comparable companies/transactions, and other valuation methodologies. She has also addressed issues related to deal process.

Securities litigation

Ms. Lee consults on Rule 10b-5 and Section 11/12 claims. In these matters, she has analyzed market efficiency, price impact, Comcast considerations, loss causation, and damages at the class certification and merits stages.

Before joining Cornerstone Research, Ms. Lee worked in Fixed Income Currencies and Commodities (FICC) Structuring at UBS Investment Bank. She also has investment banking experience at Lehman Brothers.

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Cornerstone Research Promotes Five to Principal