bodog online casino

Senior Manager


  • New York


Qiqi Zou provides economic and financial analysis and expert support in all phases of commercial Bodog Poker litigation. Dr. Zou focuses on complex matters related to securities class actions, financial institutions, and structured finance. She has addressed issues arising in these contexts across a variety of industries, including automotive, consumer goods, healthcare, and pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Zou’s experience includes:

Securities litigation
  • Examined issues related to class certification (including market efficiency, price impact, and Comcast considerations), materiality, loss causation, inflation, and damages (including Rule 10b-5 and Section 14).
  • Consulted on matters involving stocks, bonds, and options.
Financial institutions
  • Analyzed commodities closeout related to the bankruptcy of a large financial institution, including both closeout process and valuation.
  • Analyzed trading patterns in the context of alleged market manipulation.
  • Provided damages estimation in Department of Justice investigations.
Structured finance
  • Assessed statistical, mathematical, and conceptual issues with automated valuation models, purported appraisal inflation, and loan-to-value (LTV) understatement.
  • Conducted valuations of futures, options, and other derivatives products.
  • Examined credit rating methodology for corporate bonds, collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), and residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS).
  • Analyzed key drivers of RMBS performance, the impact of the credit crisis on RMBS certificates, and put-back litigations.
Professional Affiliations

In Re Allergan PLC Securities Litigation


Tech Company Securities Class Action Filings—H1 2020 Update


Tech Company Securities Class Action Filings and Settlements—2015–Q1 2020 Review and Analysis