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  • Data Privacy and Data Breach
Showing 1 - 12 of 21

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This article discusses how consumers’ perceived privacy violations are affected less by technical details of whether the data is shared and more by expectations on how it is used.


Privacy by the Numbers: Economic Costs and Benefits of Privacy Regulation

In an article for the ABA Antitrust Law Section, the authors review the economic literature on the effects of data privacy regulation on consumers and firms.


Privacy by the Numbers

Vildan Altuglu of Cornerstone Research will moderate this webinar panel featuring Avi Goldfarb of the University of Toronto and Pinar Yildirim of the University of Pennsylvania.


Advanced Telematics, AI, Data Privacy, Mobility: The Legal and Economic Implications of High Tech and Artificial Intelligence

Cornerstone Research senior staff and affiliated experts will discuss the future of mobility at the ABA Motor Vehicle Product Liability Litigation Conference.


72nd Antitrust Law Spring Meeting, American Bar Association

Cornerstone Research staff and experts will moderate and present on panels at this three-day conference.


The Cambridge Handbook of Marketing and the Law

Cornerstone Research experts and staff contributed chapters on valuation of personal data, brand value, search engine advertising, and marketing analysis.


Banking Industry

A look at recent events in the banking industry, what is new and what is familiar.


Expert Forum: Frontline Perspectives on Recent Developments in Antitrust Litigation, Privacy and Mergers

This Cornerstone Research conference in London will address key issues related to antitrust damages, data privacy and mergers.

Press Release

Cornerstone Research Once Again Named “Go-To Thought Leader” by National Law Review

Cornerstone Research is recognized by the National Law Review as a “go-to thought leader" in data privacy and energy and commodities law.


The Weak Foundations of Conjoint Analysis

David Gal of University of Illinois discusses the methodological limitations of conjoint analysis for assessing consumer preferences and estimating damages in litigation settings.


Damages in Consumer Class Actions

The authors discuss methods such as conjoint surveys and regression analysis in the ABA’s A Practitioner's Guide to Class Actions.


Estimating Harm in Invasion of Privacy and Data Breach Disputes

The authors discuss the recent developments in the UK and the US in invasion of privacy and data breach cases.

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