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  • Data Privacy and Data Breach
Showing 13 - 21 of 21

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At this Cornerstone Research video conference, academics, attorneys, and economists discussed current trends and future directions of data breach and data privacy matters.


Cornerstone Research Experts in Focus: Lesley Chiou

Professor Lesley Chiou of Occidental College speaks about her current research on two-sided platforms and competition in the digital space.


5 Questions with Anja Lambrecht: Digital Advertising, Targeting, and Apparent Bias

We interview Professor Lambrecht, an authority on digital marketing related to online advertising, promotion, pricing, and consumer behavior.


Legal and Economic Analysis of Personal Data–Related Collective Actions in the UK

The authors discuss how the right to compensation under the GDPR and DPA 2018 has introduced a bodog sports betting app significant risk of damages actions following allegations of unauthorised use of personal data.


Economic and Legal Issues in Data Privacy and Data Breach Group Litigations: Key Takeaways

At a July 2020 event, speakers discussed economic and legal issues arising in data privacy and data protection litigation.


Invasion of Privacy Consumer Class Action

The court rejected the plaintiffs’ proposed conjoint survey in an invasion of privacy class action, and denied class certification in a related false advertising class action.


Assessing Health Data Privacy Damages During A Pandemic

The authors discuss how increased telehealth and contact tracing could open the door to class actions related to data privacy and data breaches.


5 Questions with Donna Hoffman: How Technology Is Changing the Consumer Experience

Professor Donna Hoffman of George Washington University shares insights into the impact of technology on consumer behavior.


An Assessment of Analytical Tools in Product Liability Matters

The authors discuss a range of empirical tools from economics, marketing, and consumer behaviour in the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Product Liability.

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