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WWL interviewed Professor Strebulaev about expert witness work, venture capital trends, and advice he gives to developing corporate finance experts.

Press Release

WWL Consulting Experts: Financial Advisory and Valuation – Quantum of Damages 2022

René Stulz and Ronnie Barnes have been named to this select list of world-leading consulting experts on the quantum of damages.

Press Release

Large Corporate Bankruptcy Filings Continue to Decrease through First Half of 2022

Most industry groups saw bankruptcy filings decline from mid-2020 pandemic highs.


Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2022 Update

Following the spike in large corporate bankruptcy filings triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, filings in 2021 and the first half of 2022 fell to levels below historical averages.


Why Private VC-Backed Cos. Need A New Valuation Method

The authors discuss the challenges of calculating valuation for privately held companies, especially when those companies are growing rapidly and involve bodog casino review new technologies and markets.

Press Release

Cornerstone Research Staff and Affiliated Experts Submit Comments to the Joint FTC-DOJ Inquiry on Merger Enforcement

The FTC and DOJ launched a joint public inquiry to solicit comments from the public on merger enforcement.


Energy Industry Arbitration

The arbitration panel ruled that the energy company was owed the entire amount of tortious interference damages that Professor Johnson calculated.


Post-Merger Appraisal Trial Win

The North Carolina Business Court judge found in favor of the merged company in this appraisal litigation.

Press Release

René Stulz Honored in Special Edition of Journal of Applied Corporate Finance

Professor Stulz’s articles are republished in a special edition of the journal, which highlights his more than four decades of research on globalization, corporate finance, and risk management.

Press Release

Bankruptcy Filings Down in 1H 2021 after a Pandemic-Driven Spike in 2020

Large corporate bankruptcy filings reached near-record highs in 2020, but returned to lower levels in the first half of 2021 as the economic recovery took hold.


Cornerstone Research Experts in Focus: Jules van Binsbergen

Jennifer Juergens interviews Jules van Binsbergen, Professor of Finance at the Wharton School. Professor van Binsbergen discusses his research on active versus passive mutual fund management.


Cornerstone Research Experts in Focus: Mark Garmaise

Nick Yavorsky interviews Mark Garmaise, Professor of Finance at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Professor Garmaise discusses his research on commercial real estate markets, entrepreneurial finance, and consumer finance.

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