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  • Valuation
Showing 25 - 36 of 82

Bodog Poker

The authors discuss how certain accounting and auditing standards implemented after the Financial Crisis could affect the next wave of trustee and receiver litigation.


The Potential Impact of COVID-19-Induced Volatility on Business Valuation in M&A and Bankruptcy Litigation

The authors assess the impact of COVID-19-induced volatility on company valuations in this Law360 article.


Accounting for the Effect of Disclosures on Peer Stock Price

The authors discuss the application of the event study methodology when company disclosures affect their peers’ stock prices.


Financial Strategies for Oil and Gas Cos. During the Slump

The authors discuss how the oil price decline due to COVID-19 could lead to changes in the oil and gas industry in this Law360 article.


Frederick Hsu Living Trust v. ODN Holding Corp. et al.

The Delaware Court of Chancery found in favor of our client, a private equity firm, after a ten-day trial.


Mooney et al. v. Diversified Business Communications et al.

The Superior Court of Massachusetts ruled in favor of the majority shareholder, finding the opposing damages expert’s assumptions “not to be true.”


Regulatory Investigation Pertaining to Losses Incurred by a Hedge Fund

Cornerstone Research assisted with a regulatory investigation following the closure of a global macro hedge fund.


Valuation of Odd-Lot Holdings of Securities by ETFs

The SEC did not pursue its investigation into the ETFs’ valuation of certain odd-lot holdings.


Appraisal Litigation in a Going Private Transaction

Minority shareholders of the target company sought a judicial appraisal in Delaware’s Chancery Court.

Press Release

Shareholders of Public Target Companies Challenge 82% of M&A Deals in 2018

Number of M&A deals challenged in state venues more than doubled, as Trulia impact stabilizes.


Shareholder Litigation Involving Acquisitions of Public Companies—Review of 2018 M&A Litigation

Shareholders of public target companies challenged 82% of merger and acquisition deals valued over $100 million in 2018, consistent with the previous year.


Post-Acquisition Dispute

The arbitrator awarded substantial damages to our client, a private equity firm.

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