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  • Technology, Digital Economy, and Artificial Intelligence
Showing 49 - 60 of 74

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Under the new administration, the SEC has continued its role as one of the main regulators in the cryptocurrency space.

Press Release

SEC Maintains Focus on Cryptocurrency Enforcement under Chair Gensler

New administration brings first-of-their-kind cryptocurrency enforcement actions.


Platform Competition and the Regulation of Stock Exchange Fees

The article examines how platform competition economics has become an important part of the SEC’s framework for evaluating stock exchange fees.


Economic Issues in Merger Analysis for Platforms

The authors use recent enforcement examples to discuss market definition, theory of harm, and efficiencies in merger cases involving platforms.

Case v. Facebook Inc.

A judge denied plaintiff’s motion for class certification, citing Professor Hanssens’s expert report.


Federal Trade Commission v. 1-800 Contacts

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals overturned an FTC decision regarding trademark enforcement against online competitors.


Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Emerging Legal and Self-Regulatory Considerations, Part Two

In the second installment of this report by the ABA’s Section of Antitrust, the authors discuss the competition implications of big data and artificial intelligence/machine learning.


Tech and Big Data Expertise in Finance

Cornerstone bodog casino review Research provides complex consulting services and economic analysis for litigation matters and government investigations related to FinTech, blockchain technology, and big data analysis.


FTC v. Qualcomm

The appellate court unanimously ruled in favor of Qualcomm, citing reasons that closely followed the expert’s testimony.


Legal and Economic Analysis of Personal Data–Related Collective Actions in the UK

The authors discuss how the right to compensation under the GDPR and DPA 2018 has introduced a significant risk of damages actions following allegations of unauthorised use of personal data.


In the Matter of DraftKings Inc. and FanDuel Limited

In July 2017, the Federal Trade Commission dismissed its suit after DraftKings and FanDuel abandoned the proposed merger.


Online Marketing

In this series, we discuss how academic and industry bodog casino review Research can provide conceptual insights, potential data sources, and analytical techniques to support or rebut expert testimony related to online advertising…

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