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  • Technology, Digital Economy, and Artificial Intelligence
Showing 61 - 72 of 74

bodog casino review

The court rejected the plaintiffs’ proposed conjoint survey in an invasion of privacy class action, and denied class certification in a related false advertising class action.


Tech Company Securities Class Action Filings and Settlements—2015–Q1 2020 Review and Analysis

Securities class action filings involving tech companies declined in the first half of 2020, likely due to slowdowns associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.


5 Questions with Donna Hoffman: How Technology Is Changing the Consumer Experience

Professor Donna Hoffman of George Washington University shares insights into the impact of technology on consumer behavior.


Federal Communications Commission Proceedings

Cornerstone Research provided economic consulting in FCC proceedings related to competition in mobile wireless, broadband services, and special access services provided by local exchange carriers.


Heldt et al. v. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.

Bodog Poker The jury rendered a unanimous verdict in favor of our client in this alleged discrimination class action.


Allegations of “No-Poach” Hiring Agreement Between Tech Firms

Cornerstone Research was retained to assess the effect of an alleged recruiting and hiring conspiracy between two competitors.


FinTech Expertise

Cornerstone Research has significant experience analyzing the economic, financial, and technological issues arising from FinTech, blockchain, and cryptocurrency litigation.


Three Tech Competition Concerns

The authors discuss the main issues facing large technology firms and the leading proposals to address them in this Law360 article.


What Does Blockchain Mean for Dispute Resolution?

Nicole Moran discusses how using blockchain technology in the collection and analysis of data and documents could affect dispute resolution.


United States v. AT&T Inc. et al.

A federal court judge ruled that AT&T can move forward with its purchase of Time Warner and the D.C. Circuit affirmed that decision.


Advertising of Software

Plaintiffs in a class action against a software company alleged that its marketing campaign misled consumers into purchasing certain products.


Move Inc. et al. v. Zillow Inc. et al.

Cornerstone Research worked with an M&A transactions expert and a survey expert in a case that involved alleged misappropriation of trade secrets and counterclaims of defamation.

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